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HETACHAIN ​​NETWORK - Building the Largest Blockchain 3.0 Network in the World

HetaChain will build the infrastructure the most sophisticated and powerful for decentralized application will facilitate the business world which is actually based on the technology of blockchain and will build a network of Blockchain 3.0.

Relam Investments based in Dubai and has announced investments that use network technology Blockchain 3.0 HetaChain Network. Project Hetchain it will help business, government service and build Organizational Dapps (Decentralized Application) IoT, robotics, banking, E-Commerce, health and much more. already on launch on 12 September 2018 yesterday, that opens the future Blockchain technology latest generation technology Blockchain 3.0.

Blockchain current technology is indeed a groundbreaking innovation in how data created, distributed and edited. But apart from that, the blockchain technology is currently facing critical problems about its performance. With those reasons, then Hetachain gave the proposal to create the latest Blockchain network architecture that will use very easily, more flexible for users and developers using the blockchain platform that has very high performance.

Cryptographic algorithms

Using ECDSA (Digital signature algorithms of Elliptic Motion) with secp256k1 curves for cryptography public-private. Private key data is 256 bit random.
HETA address associated with this private key is the last bit of the SHA3 160-256 (Keccak) hash of the public key.

Heta Protocol – Platform Multichain

In order to communicate between the chain and the main system rpibadi system blockchain Heta, already provide Bride-Protocol which will help private chains to mengumpuljan their data to the main chain to do the validation. Each chain must pay the cost of personal use with Hetacoin. Private chains can perform payments with some coins HETA to regulate transactions. Tersbeut can stay in the configuration depends on the use of large.

Investment and technology development Blockchain the future

Hetachain foundation already berkomitmet to invest the funds that will be in focus on the growth and development of Hetachain blockchain 3.0 which is a technology of the future.
  • Global reach – Hetachain invested in the company and the person who created the product service that will be at the forefront of a transformative technology generation around the world
  • As Education – Hetachain using expertise and experience in technology with blockchain do the job directly with the portfolio to help companies achieve their full potential.
  • Partnership – strategic relationships that have been developed by Hetachain business leaders around the world, to make sure the founders in all markets already have the ability to work directly with local investors.

The advantages of Network Hetachain Blockchain 3.0

  • Flexible – do the freezing and repairs the application with role based permission suak Generalized.
  • Usable – Blockchain 3.0 Platform that has a very high performance and scalable ecosystem that makes and uses the blockchain network more valuable and useful.
  • Scalable – supports thousands of Dapps (Decentralized Applications) and skal commercial inter-blockchain of communication separated the authentication and execution.
  • Optimizable-Blockchain 3.0 Platform that has a very high performance and scalable ecosystem that makes and uses the blockchain network more valuable and useful.

About Hetacoin – HETA

Hetacoin about currency Hetachain internal crypto that in use in the network Mainchain. Hetacoin in use as a means to pay for the use of the services using Heta Blockchain.
When a user makes a transaction exchange coins or tokens that are already made by Heta, then he should pay the pre-define a mount Hetacoib. Called also with transaction costs. This mandatory fee making Hetacoin have real value to the system. It can also prevent traders to flood the network with micro-transactions that are not limited.
When a user participates in a process of consensus or validation of Mainchain and Private Chain, then he should be rewarded with a certain Hetacoin. It is also called with the granting of awards to users. Konsensu Award for level should depend on how much effort in spend by participants in the process.

Distribution Token

Partner Media


Q1 & Q2 2018> Designing HetaChain Writting Whitepaper.

Q2 & Q3 2018> Mainchain development UI display blockchain data Wallet demo Hetachain ICO event HetaChain ICO private sale.

Q4 2018> HetaChain block explorer demo Hetachain test net (test version) HetaChain ICO public sale starting Listing HETA token on exchange Privatechain development.

Q1 2019> Web portal release Dapp development Smart contract development Wallet update (multi-Token) HetaChain test net launch.

Q2 2019> Prebuilt Dapp Auto create Dapp HETA fee calculation portal HetaChain block explorer(update) Hetachain mainnet (test version)

Q3 2019> Hetacoin Hetachain mainnet launch.


Author: Supertar 
Wallet Address: 0x23E3145Ecf3ffb6390DE807B97263AA9Cf3A9b36


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